Ad exposure & sensitivity to price changes

From Adage : A study by Apollo, which combines media-exposure data collected from consumers using Arbitron's Portable People Meters with purchase data culled from Nielsen Co.'s ACNielsen Homescan consumer panel, found exposure to TV ads decreases consumers' tendency to react to price changes.

The study, involving an unnamed "Brand X," broke consumers down into heavy, medium and light category purchasers, finding that heavy purchasers were most likely to have their price sensitivity reduced by exposure to TV ads. Exposure to the ads also had a cumulative effect, the study found. Even one or two exposures to TV ads for the brand produced some reduction in price sensitivity. Consumers exposed to the brand's ad four or more times showed even less sensitivity, "with behavior changes tapering off at between seven and eight exposures," according to a statement by the joint backers of Apollo, Arbitron and Nielsen.


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