Indian Retail Pie - present & future

Modern Retail in India - Share of categories (%)
  1. Apparel - 35
  2. Food & Grocery (F&G) - 17
  3. Miscellaneous - 15
  4. Consumer durables & Information Technology (CDIT) - 9
  5. Footwear - 9
  6. Jewellery & Watches - 7
  7. Pharmacy - 4
  8. Furniture - 3
  9. Home Improvement - 1

Category share from Modern Retail to change -

  1. F & G - 48
  2. Misc. - 13
  3. Apparel - 12
  4. CDIT - 11
  5. Home Improvement - 8
  6. Furniture - 3
  7. Footwear - 2
  8. Jewellery & Watches - 2
  9. Pharmacy - 1

Source - 4Ps/Technopak Analysis


Hello Sir,

Thks for the information on that retail market share. N if possible pls write on the recent political developments in the world specially Pakistan and the coming elections in Gujrat and Himachal Pradesh.

Ray Titus said…
Thanks...Naveen...will try and comment on the developing election scenario, which by the way makes for fascinating study, soon.

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