Is there a miracle in Pond's age miracle?
I wonder how many women will buy into Pond's age miracle's claim of making one look younger in 7 days? Especially when commercials on TV feature 'ageing women' (Mehr Jesia-Rampal for one) with loads of make up on intended at making them look younger.
Now my skepticism may not deter buyers. In fact maybe there is a miracle in there somewhere. I guess the female of the species is now exhilarated at the possibility of staying young. Or maybe the battle with ageing continues?
Amongst all this din, I wonder what's happened to 'ageing gracefully'? I can almost hear people telling me, 'Grow up'!
Now my skepticism may not deter buyers. In fact maybe there is a miracle in there somewhere. I guess the female of the species is now exhilarated at the possibility of staying young. Or maybe the battle with ageing continues?
Amongst all this din, I wonder what's happened to 'ageing gracefully'? I can almost hear people telling me, 'Grow up'!