The Indian Netizen
According to online research & advisory firm JuxtConsult’s ‘India Online 2008’ — an offline survey of over 12,500 households across 40 cities and 160 villages countrywide to gauge the online behaviour of Indians; Every one in 10 urban Indians (12%) is now net connected. Over two-thirds (70%) of all internet users reside outside metros. And across urban and rural India, internet using population is evenly spread across all socio-economic classes (SEC). What’s more, over 70% internet users prefer to access the net in Indian languages, with English users at just 28%, down from 41% in 2007.
There are over 49-million internet users in the country. Urban users account for a bulk of it, 40 million, with rural net users numbering 9 million. Regular net users, defined as anyone accessing the net at least once a month, number around 35 million (30-million urban and 5-million rural). Internet penetration (as % of population) has crossed double-digit mark in urban India at 12%, up 3% from 9% last year, and rural penetration stands at 4.5%.
Read more on the survey here.
There are over 49-million internet users in the country. Urban users account for a bulk of it, 40 million, with rural net users numbering 9 million. Regular net users, defined as anyone accessing the net at least once a month, number around 35 million (30-million urban and 5-million rural). Internet penetration (as % of population) has crossed double-digit mark in urban India at 12%, up 3% from 9% last year, and rural penetration stands at 4.5%.
Read more on the survey here.
Only reservation I have against these srveys is the fact that they talk to insignificant number of people and then extrapolate that data to reflect opinion on the entire country.
But as they say, there is no other alternative.
I would not trust any of these surveys to base my decision on.
I agree....Surveys in India must be taken a 'pinch o' salt'.