Are you getting paid enough?

John Stacey Adam's Equity theory on Job motivation helps us understand why an individual's assessment and perception of their relationship with their work, and thereby their employer extends beyond their individual self to incorporate influence and comparison of other people's situations - for example colleagues and friends, to theirs. This act of comparison prompts the individual to form perceptions of Equity, which commonly manifests as a sense of what is fair.

This means, what's fair is not just what I get vis-a-vis what I put in, as effort, but what my colleague gets, for what he/she put in, as his/her effort.

The equity theory forms the back drop to's latest radio spot, which I first heard on Bangalore's English FM channel. Shine is the latest Job site on scene. The radio commercial goes on to urge employees not to compare salaries (of course, that can't ever happen), but to log on to Shine's site and use the salary tool to 'take a look at how your compensation compares to those in your position and industry'.

Is the lure good enough to bring job seekers on board and register? I should think so.

Have I? No. 'Cos I love what I do, don't need a change :)


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