All I care about is me. Me, me, me!
Marketing's all about the consumer. Not about you or your products and services. Though this may sound rather simple, it isn't easily understood. No matter how many times you say it, the biggest mistake firms make is in trying to communicate product features, not benefits. Consumers couldn't care less about your features, till the time they deliver benefits. And for consumers, taking the position of seeking benefits comes naturally, as the only entity they are obsessed with, is themselves. This goes even for the 'altruistic' ones out there.
Take Obama's healthcare plan for a moment. Its interesting to note that a majority in the US. want an overhaul of the healthcare system as long as it doesn't affect their personal status. Sure, they say, fix the healthcare system so everyone benefits. But not at my cost. That is, I am not willing to pay more in taxes so my neighbour without healthcare can benefit. Find the money to fix his healthcare from elsewhere. Don't touch my coffers. I ain't giving.
Note research results on Healthcare reform in the US.;
'The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll asked a series of questions probing just how far folks would go in lending a helping hand to those without coverage. Would they approve the concept of raising taxes on those making $250,000 or more? Sure. How about requiring everyone to have insurance but letting government help pick up the tab for people with "low and moderate incomes." Why not?
But when asked if they'd be willing to pay more in taxes, either on their current health care plan or in general, respondents quickly pull back. Just 33 percent agreed with the idea of taxing health care benefits for those with "generous" plans. The Diageo/Hotline poll found just 26 percent of voters supported a tax on health care plans. And a Kaiser poll reported that only 41 percent of Americans were willing to pay more either in taxes or health care premiums to cover the uninsured.
A CNN/Opinion Research survey and a poll taken for the Republican group Resurgent Republic both asked the question on taxes this way: "Would you prefer a health care reform plan that raises taxes in order to provide health insurance to all Americans, or a plan that does not provide health insurance to all Americans but keeps taxes at current levels?"
CNN's poll, conducted in mid-May, found the public split between the two at 47 percent. The Resurgent poll, released on Monday, showed stronger opposition to tax increases (39 percent) and more support for keeping taxes at the current levels (52 percent). Still, both suggest raising taxes to pay for health reform is not a popular position.'
Why am I not surprised?