
Showing posts from November, 2009

Fiction fuels Reality

Is Brand avoidance anti-Brand?

Throw the boor offstage

'Regulated' Quality ain't 'real' Quality

Dept. of No Energy vs. Mark Levin

Is the Shorba thin, or grainy?

Parallel Universes

China in your hand

Look the part, Learn from a stumble

Then & Now, and Toys

Our Thanksgiving

Give, to one who doesn't seek

Lest we forget

Why mind matters

Credibility Sells, so does Cute

The Psychology of Warranties

Image is Everything, almost!

As always, 'Old Wine, New Bottle'

Rebel to Reckless is a thin line

Dawkins gets a taste of Divine Justice

'All I need is a Miracle'

Why its Sniffles for me, not the Rumba

Boon n' Bane in Vertically Challenged

Its the system, stupid!

The limits to a Regional Identity

Why is this man bowing?

Stoop, for the Bow's back!

Jesus the Capitalist

Love's good, Hate's better!


Vegetarian by choice?

The Myth of Unconditional Love

Bigoted Notions

Faith gets the first Buy, Belief seals Loyalty

Is Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo a good idea?

How Capitalism Will Save Us

Language or Prejudice?

Shopping Emotions

Midnight Train To Georgia

Is it the rolls, or is it me?

Passion can do what Onida can't

Bangalore Weather & Sales Promos

The mobile phone lesson

Questions with no Answers

Who gets the lion's share of dessert?