
Showing posts from October, 2012

Does it matter who's Minister?

All my Life

Rights of the Conceived

Why Liberals are Socialists

Romney for President, here's why.

Starbucks in India

Self Expression

Shut the Talking Heads up

What's with Chanel No.5?

Let it be me

What you need, you must pay for!

Biden stays true to Self

Here's why they vote Obama

Help, I want me out!

Elevator Oddity

Ushering Morality

The truth and something like it

Can't Smile Without You

The 2 Men Circus

Incompetent & Lazy

Get over the illusion, reality has hit!

What did Ray tell you?

Corrie Sanders

Dimwit Zombie Country

Governments cause Cartels

Compulsive Lying