Micromax's English bashing cultural 'appeasement marketing strategy'.

Micromax is one of the brands featured in my book, 'Yuva India'. I have spoken glowingly about how an Indian brand was trying to build an image appeal that cut across cultural barriers. Indeed, Micromax was putting on a global image with Hugh Jackman. Now they've taken a U-turn with their 'English bashing - language appeasing' commercial on TV.

I don't get it. Or maybe I do. 

Micromax has abandoned 'India' for 'Bharat'. For now it makes sense since the brand is fast losing ground in the Indian smartphone market. What makes the scene worse for Micromax is what the Chinese brands are doing to the Indian urban market. They are introducing loaded handsets, pushing cut-throat prices, and upping marketing spends. As a response, Micromax does what is classic textbook market strategy. 

Pursue new markets. 

So the English bashing, and local language glorification. In my book its called the 'cultural appeasement Marketing strategy'. It'll probably work in the short run. Further down, the appeasement move won't work. Why? 'Cos India's young are converging on a composite identity, where linguistic and other cultural variables won't matter.

Wanna know more? Read 'Yuva India'. 


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